How to Enable SSH on Ubuntu 22.04

Enabling SSH (Secure Shell) on Ubuntu 22.04 involves a few steps. SSH allows you to connect to your Ubuntu machine securely over a network. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to enable SSH on Ubuntu 22.04:

Step 1 : Update the package list

Step 2 : Install SSH on Ubuntu 22.04

Step 3 : Start the SSH Service

Once installed, the SSH service should start automatically. If not, you can start it using the following command:

Step 4 : Check SSH Status

To verify that SSH is running, you can use the following command:

You should see output indicating that the SSH server is running.

Step 5 : Allow SSH through the Firewall

If you have a firewall enabled on your system, you need to allow SSH traffic.

Finally, enable the firewall:

Step 6 : Connect to Your Ubuntu Machine

Use an SSH client on another machine to connect to your Ubuntu machine. You can use the following command:

Congratulations! You've successfully enabled and configured SSH on your Ubuntu 22.04 machine.