How To Install and Configure Postfix on Fedora 39

To install and configure Postfix on Fedora 39, follow the steps below.

Step 1 : Begin by updating your system:

Step 2 : Install Postfix using the following command:

Step 3 : Start and enable Postfix to ensure it runs on system boot:

Step 4 : Verify Postfix : Check the status of Postfix:

Ensure that Postfix is active and running.

Step 5 : Test Postfix

- Install mailx:

- Open a temporary mail page, for example,

- Send a test mail to the temporary mail:

- Check the temporary mail page for the received email.

Step 6 : To review mail logs, use the following command:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Postfix on Fedora 39.