How To Install and Configure Postfix on CentOS 7

To install and configure Postfix on CentOS 7, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Before installing Postfix, update your system to ensure all packages are up to date.

Step 2 : Install Postfix using the package manager.

Step 3 : Start the Postfix service and enable it to start on boot.

Step 4 : Check the status of Postfix to ensure it is running correctly.

Step 5 : To send a test email, install the mailx package.

Step 6 : Open a temporary mail website such as

Step 7 : Send a test email to the temporary email address.

Step 8 : Go to the temporary mail website and check if the test email was received.

Step 9 : Check the Postfix mail logs to ensure the email was processed and sent.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Postfix on CentOS 7.