How to Install Rocky Linux 9

To install Rocky Linux 9, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Boot from the DVD or USB containing the Rocky Linux 9 installation.

Step 2 : Choose "Install Rocky Linux."

Step 3 : Select your preferred language.

Step 4 : On the Installation Summary screen, click on "Installation Destination" and choose the target disk.

Step 5 : If everything looks good, click "Done" to return to the Installation Summary.

Step 6 : On the Installation Summary screen, click on "Root Password."

Step 7 : Enter the desired root password.

Step 8 : Click "Done" to return to the Installation Summary.

Step 9 : Click "Begin Installation."

Step 10 : Wait for the installation process to complete.

Step 11 : Click "Reboot System" after the installation is finished.

Step 12 : After the system restarts

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Rocky Linux 9. Enjoy using your new operating system!