Django 3 : Routing and Creating our first view

Routing in Django

Step 1 : In the previous post, we edited the file to configure our Django project.

This parameter will define the Python file that will contain all the URLs of our site.

When the controller receives the client request, it will go in the file and check whether the URL is a customer's request and use the corresponding view.

Step 2 : This is what the file looks like, as it is created by Django when creating the project:

Step 3 : We will have to use the runserver command, We must launch the command prompt and put ourselves in the project root (use the cd command to browse folders) to execute the command:

Step 4 : To see the result, we must open our browser and enter the following URL: http://localhost:8000

This message also means that we have no specified URL.

Creating our first view

Step 5 : Now in the myproject directory, create the file

Creating our first URL

Step 6 : We will add two URLs to file:

Testing our application

Step 7 : Let's go back to our browser and refresh the page with the F5 key